Informative articles about Vietnam visa and travelling
Vietnam E-visa is another online Vietnam Visa for foreigners to Vietnam. With this type of visa, you will receive a visa code on your letter via email and you don’t have to pay stamping fee upon arrival.
This visa allows you to enter Vietnam at any international ports such as land ports, seaports or airports and this is one-month single entry visa for tourist or business purpose only. Therefore, it’s very useful for travelers who would like to enter Vietnam for a one-month single entry.
However, it is only a visa code, you will not have a visa sticker on your passport and you have to bring that letter with the visa code together with your passport during the time in Vietnam.
In the beginning, the Vietnam Immigration Department allows citizens of 40 countries can get Vietnam E-visa but now it's changed into 80 nationalities as below:
1 | AND | Andorra |
2 | ARG | Argentina |
3 | ARM | Armenia |
4 | AUS | Australia |
5 | AUT | Austria |
6 | AZE | Azerbaijan |
7 | BLR | Belarus |
8 | BEL | Belgium |
9 | BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
10 | BRA | Brazil |
11 | BRN | Bruney |
12 | BGR | Bulgaria |
13 | CAN | Canada |
14 | CHL | Chile |
15 | CHN | China
16 | COL | Colombia |
17 | HRV | Croatia |
18 | CUB | Cuba |
19 | CYP | Cyprus |
20 | CZE | Czech Republic |
21 | DNK | Denmark |
22 | EST | Estonia |
23 | FJI | Fiji |
24 | FIN | Finland |
25 | FRA | France |
26 | GEO | Georgia |
27 | DE | Germany |
28 | GRC | Greece |
29 | HUN | Hungary |
30 | ISL | Iceland |
31 | IND | India |
32 | IRL | Ireland |
33 | ITA | Italy |
34 | JPN | Japan |
35 | KAZ | Kazakhstan |
36 | KOR | Korea (South) |
37 | LVA | Latvia |
38 | LIE | Liechtenstein |
39 | LTU | Lithuania |
40 | LUX | Luxembourg |
41 | MKD | Macedonia The former Yugoslav of |
42 | MLT | Malta |
43 | MHL | Marshall Islands |
44 | MEX | Mexico |
45 | FSM | Micronesia Federated States of |
46 | MDA | Moldova |
47 | MCO | Monaco |
48 | MNG | Mongolia |
49 | MNE | Montenegro |
50 | MMR | Myanmar |
51 | NRU | Nauru |
52 | NLD | Netherland |
53 | NZL | New Zealand |
54 | NOR | Norway |
55 | PLW | Palau |
56 | PAN | Panama |
57 | PNG | Papua New Guinea |
58 | PER | Peru |
59 | PHL | Philippines |
60 | POL | Poland |
61 | PRT | Portugal |
62 | QAT | Qatar |
63 | ROU | Romania |
64 | RUS | Russia |
65 | WSM | Samoa |
66 | SMR | San Marino |
67 | SRB | Serbia |
68 | SVK | Slovakia |
69 | SVN | Slovenia |
70 | SLB | Solomon Islands |
71 | ESP | Spain |
72 | SWE | Sweden |
73 | CHE | Switzerland |
74 | TLS | Timor Leste |
75 | ARE | United Arab Emirates |
76 | GBR | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
77 | USA | United States of America |
78 | URY | Uruguay |
79 | VUT | Vanuatu |
80 | VEN | Venezuela |
After completing the online procedure, we will process your application and send the visa code into your email within 3 working days. Please print the E-visa out and bring it together when arriving in Vietnam.