Vietnam E-visa is another online Vietnam Visa for foreigners to Vietnam. With this type of visa, you will receive a visa code on your letter via email and you don’t have to pay stamping fee at Vietnam airport.
This visa allows you to enter Vietnam at any international ports such as land ports, seaports or airports. Therefore, it’s very useful for travelers who would like to enter Vietnam for a one-month single entry.
There are two types of E-visa which you can apply for. They are one-month tourist visa for single entry with the fee is 35 USD and one-month Business visa for single entry with 45 USD. No stamping fee is paid at Ports of arrival.
In order to apply for Vietnam E-Visa, you have to complete 3 following steps:
Other details related to Vietnam Visa, please feel free to contact us via email: or call at hotline: +84.899.33.12.12
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